Ask Santa!

HO HO HO!  Do you or your children have a question for Santa?  Well, ask away!  Santa is here to answer each and every question that he gets - and, he'll try to do so in a timely manner.  You can do so easily by clicking here and asking Santa your question.  With your permission, your question - and Santa's corresponding answer - will be added to the list below!  Santa loves nothing more than, after a long day of tending to the reindeer, keeping up with his North Pole residence and helping the elves, to grab a hot cup of coffee and read his emails.  Don't be a stranger!  Santa would love to hear from you!  HO HO HO!  XOXO

FAQs for Santa

Q:  Are you real, Santa?
A:  If I weren't real, would I be able to answer all of these nice emails?  HO HO HO!

Q:  How do you know how many presents to make each year?
A:  I use a very tricky algorithm to calculate how many children will make it onto my "Nice" list.  I start by finding out how many deliveries I made the prior year.  I multiply that by 16.489, extrapolate the result, always remembering to carry the two, I solve for "x", find the lowest common denominator and factor to the 10th power.  Then, I do the Hokey-Pokey and I turn myself around - 'cuz that's what it's all about!

Q:  What does Mrs. Claus do for fun?
A:  Well, she'd be embarrassed to know that I'm sharing this with you, but I had the elves make up a karaoke machine for her last Christmas, and that's been taking up a lot of her time!  She has a tremendous voice!  I've heard her sing everything from a rendition of "Wild Horses" that would make Susan Boyle envious, all the way to ZZ Tops' "Legs", and everything in between.  Quite impressive!  She is also very good at Sudoku.

Q:  What is your biggest pet peeve?
A:  When children don't mind their manners, or when children are disrespectful.  You respect yourself by respecting others.

Q:  Do you follow any sports?
A:  I am very into all of the Reindeer Games!  I won't miss any fun competition between my four-legged friends!  (FYI, they're also very good at Texas Hold 'Em, so if one of my reindeer ever invites you to play, just say thank you and then walk away.)