How It Works

It's simple!

Concerned parents should send an email to "Santa" highlighting topic areas in which they'd like to see their child(ren) improve.  To date, the most frequently requested areas for improvement are, in this order:
  1. Speaking back / Too "mouthy"
  2. Lack of gratitude
  3. Cleaning their room/area or "chores"
Santa will tailor his feedback to meet the specific needs of each, individual circumstance, so feel free to request help with whichever topics are in most need in your household.

Email your request, along with the following information:
  1. Child's name
  2. City in which he/she resides
  3. Areas/Topics for improvement
  4. Email address to which Santa should send his performance review
As soon as the review has been posted, Santa will email a link to the blog.  It's that easy!

Parents are strongly encouraged to review Santa's feedback with their child so that any questions may be addressed quickly.  It has been Santa's experience that a child's behavior improves remarkably when parents and children work together to develop an action plan that incorporates benchmarks against which progress can be measured.  Of course, in this scenario, the  goal is to make it onto Santa's "NICE" list, but the overriding message should be that good behavior is always expected ... and, isn't that hard to achieve.

Santa does his best to provide all performance reviews in a timely manner.  Response time is typically between 1-2 days.  As always, if you have any questions, please drop Santa a line!

The Santa Claus Performance Report is a free service available to all, although donations are gratefully accepted.  Thank you for any amount of generosity you are able to spare.

Thank you for visiting The Santa Claus Performance Report.  

"Santa Claus"